Microsoft To Do
Manage your tasks better with Microsoft To Do and Time Doctor.
The smart time-tracking Chrome extension from Time Doctor can take your Microsoft To Do app to a whole new level and increase productivity even further!
If your company is already using Microsoft To Do, install our Chrome extension to accurately track how long tasks take to help keep yourself and your team on track. With in-depth time use reports, web and app history reports, employee monitoring, optional screenshots, and automated timesheets, you can instantly improve efficiency at the click of a button.
Get more done with your apps, including Microsoft To Do.
While Microsoft To Do lets you manage tasks, Time Doctor’s smart software helps you get more done with accurate time tracking and increased accountability.
The Time Doctor Chrome extension inserts a start/stop button into the Microsoft To Do app. At the click of a button, your tasks and tracked time will appear in the Time Doctor dashboard, letting you and your team know how much time is spent on each project and client.
The web and app usage report gives insights into productive vs. unproductive time use, so that you can cut out time-wasting behavior and increase efficiency throughout the company. We even have distraction alerts and idle computer reminders to help eliminate time-wasting behavior. Use the Time Doctor Chrome extension for Microsoft To Do and many of the other tools you’re already using.
How to track time in Microsoft To Do.
Once you install the Time Doctor Chrome extension for Microsoft To Do, start using your app.
With a task open in Microsoft To Do, you can start tracking time directly from the app. Click “Start Timer” to begin and “Stop Timer” when finished. There’s also an option to stop tracking time on the desktop app or by clicking on the Chrome extension icon, making it easier to quickly stop tracking time without returning to that specific task in Microsoft To Do.
The tracked task will automatically be added to your Time Doctor desktop app and dashboard to let you know how much time is spent on each task during the day.
Take time tracking even further by using Time Doctor with all of your apps. You’ll be able to go back and analyze time use each day, week, and month, so that you can self-correct time-wasting behavior or allocate time and budget to tasks that take longer than expected.
Activate the Time Doctor integration with Microsoft To Do for teams.
Although Time Doctor has an interactive mode and a silent mode (where it tracks at all times when the computer is on), the Chrome extension can only be used by interactive users.
Admins must enable time tracking for tasks if they haven’t already. This setting is found under Settings -> Company Settings.
Admins can enable Chrome extension integrations by logging into Time Doctor and selecting Settings -> Integrations. Depending on your needs, your company can activate the extension for select users or for everyone on the team.
Existing users who have integrations enabled will automatically receive a notification to download the Time Doctor Chrome extension. Any new users added after activation will simply have to install the extension during the initial Time Doctor setup. For companies with 20 or more employees, we offer free onboarding support.
Improve business efficiency with the Microsoft To Do and Time Doctor integration.
The easiest way to instantly improve efficiency in your company is to track time better because after all – time is money!
Once you have the ability to see time use throughout your company, you’ll be able to eliminate time-wasting tasks and focus on what matters most.
On average, companies report a 22% productivity boost with Time Doctor. Don’t just take our word for it; try for free today. Use Time Doctor with Microsoft To Do and many of the other apps you’re already using.
Other benefits
Read more about the full range of optional features that Time Doctor provides.
Web & app usage
Track your teams’ digital journeys. Cut out distractions and time drains.
Client login access
Let your clients watch their projects take shape and track their progress.
Unusual activity report
Catch unusual mouse clicks and keyboard strokes with AI. Make sure your time tracking stays accurate.
Work scheduling
Set your employees’ work schedules and compare them to actual hours worked.
Payroll reporting
Streamline your billing, budgeting, and payroll with integrations. And improve accuracy.
Inactivity alerts
Instantly know when your workers lose focus. Nudge them to get back on track.
Our API allows your own software application to interact directly with Time Doctor.