Using a normal calculator to do Algebraic Expansion (Part 2)

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By Owen Cheong  (Math, Physics, Chemistry tutor at The Edge Learning Center) In one of my previous articles, I talked about how to use a scientific calculator to perform algebraic manipulation. Please check it here before reading this article. In part 2, I am going to show you how to apply this method in the SAT and ACT […]

5 Tips on Using Your GDC (Graphic Display Calculator) During a Test

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By Leo Lam Test Preparation (ACT/SAT/SSAT), Math, Physics Take a test that involves mathematics today, and the chances are that you will need a calculator. And not just a four-function calculator; many tests now demand a graphic display calculator (GDC). GDC has come a long way since its commercial debut in 1985. Nowadays, the new calculators […]

Counting Principles, Combinations and Permutations

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By Indrani Banerjee (Test Preparation (ACT/SAT/SSAT) tutor at The Edge Learning Center) What are ‘counting principles’? The fundamentals of counting principles appear in some form or another in the IB, AP and A-Levels maths curricula, and are common topics tested in the maths section of the ACT and SAT, so make sure you are prepared to deal with them! Counting Principles Think about a time when […]

Decomplexifying Complex Numbers

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By Leo Lam (Test Preparation (ACT/SAT/SSAT), Math and Physics tutor at The Edge Learning Center) Disclaimer: before you read further, the word “decomplexifying” is not a real word. It just sounds better than “simplifying” when put in front of “complex numbers.” So please do not use this word in your English papers. One of the more advanced topics […]

Math Effect: 6 Things You Should Know About the ACT, the SAT, Calculators, Math, and You

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  By Steve Leech (Test Preparation (ACT/SAT/SSAT), English Literature, English Builder tutor at The Edge Learning Center) For many students, the mathematics sections of standardized tests are like a skinny guy at a sumo competition: no big deal and nothing to really worry about. As YouTube teaches us (watch here), though, you can’t trust a skinny sumo […]

Fun! Facts about Factorials!

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By Leo Lam (Test Preparation (ACT/SAT/SSAT), Math, Physics at The Edge Learning Center) Students often first encounter the idea of factorial when they learn about probability, particularly combinatorics. They often see it again in binomial expansion or binomial distribution. If they go into advanced calculus, they would see it popping up in Taylor series and Maclaurin […]
