Free call center policy and procedures template

by Carlo Borja
call center policy and procedures

If you operate a call center, whether it’s a start-up or an established business, you need to have certain call center policy and procedures. 

Developed with the help of relevant subject matter experts, it helps secure your organization and its stakeholders and provides the foundations for smooth call center operations.  

Policies guide your employees to reach the company’s long-term goals. On the other hand, procedures help accomplish the day-to-day operation and are usually included within the policy document or as a separate procedure manual.

Here’s a simple call center policy and procedures template that you can download and customize to suit your needs. 

A. Purpose of this document

This document provides a comprehensive collection of policies and standards expected of call center agents and all other employees in [company name].

It’s also meant to help [company name] manage staff members more effectively by defining acceptable and unacceptable employee behavior. 

These rules are also in place to protect the employee, [company name], and its customers. 

B. Scope

The call center policies contained in this document apply to all employees (office-based and remote workers), contractors, consultants, BPO (business process outsourcing), third parties, and other agents at [company name]

C. Expected standards

Below is a list of employee responsibilities and expected standards of conduct:

1. Non-disclosure

Every [company name] employee will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) covering the confidentiality of:

  • [Company name] systems, techniques, patents, and inventions.
  • All collected information including customer lists, pricing data, financial data, and marketing materials.
  • Customer contact information (such as telephone number, address, social security number, etc.). No customer information should leave the contact center. 

By signing the NDA, employees acknowledge that they are legally bound to hold everything confidential. The non-disclosure agreement also details the repercussions for non-compliance. 

2. Social media engagement

Longstanding and new employees will be required to sign a social media policy that outlines what they can post about their work on social media sites such as Twitter.

Employees are free to post where they work, along with any positive thing about their job and coworkers. However, they cannot post anything representing themselves as the spokesperson of [company name] unless it’s within their job description to do so. 

Team members cannot post anything slanderous or defamatory about [company name] or any content harassing customers, clients, or other employees.

3. Background check authorization

All new agents authorize [company name] to conduct background checks prior to recruitment and at any time in the future. 

Call center agents are aware that [company name] records all inbound and outbound calls for quality assurance purposes. This is to protect employees, the company, and clients. 

Additionally, microphones and cameras have been set up in certain common areas and workspaces to ensure safety. To protect privacy, no recording devices have been set up in restrooms.

Every team member must give written consent to be recorded during their work hours. 

5. Attendance

All employees of [company name] must sign the attendance policy. It’s a set of guidelines that help the company avoid attendance and understaffing issues which affect customer satisfaction. 

The attendance policy outlines how the [company name] will address employee tardiness, no-shows, early departures, etc. 

It also set limits for sick day leaves, paid leaves, and other day-offs. Employees that frequently miss shifts will be subject to disciplinary action. 

6. Drugs and alcohol

[Company name] regulations regarding drugs and alcohol are subject to change due to government regulations, and the employee must stay abreast of any changes. 

Employees cannot be under the influence of any intoxicating substances at work, and the consumption of drugs and alcohol in the call center is strictly prohibited. 

Employees found to be under the influence of illicit substances or consuming alcohol or drugs while on shift will be subject to disciplinary action and risk termination of employment. 

7. ID name badges

Employees should be wearing identification badges at all times. 

To comply with the PCI (Payment Card Industry) security standard, [company name] requires all call center agents and managers to wear ID badges while on the call center floor. 

Lost or stolen badges need to be reported immediately.  Should your employment at [company name] come to an end, your ID badge needs to be handed to your immediate supervisor. 

8. Cell phones and wearable technology

According to the company’s phone policy, cell phones and wearable technology such as smartwatches on the call center floor are strictly prohibited due to the possibility of illegal customer data collection. 

Employees may only use their personal cell phones in the designated cell phone usage area, away from the call center floor. 

The use of cell phones on the call center floor may present a risk to sensitive customer information, [company name] PCI compliance (Payment Card Industry), and HIPAA (Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulatory compliance. 

Any person using a cell phone on the call center floor will face disciplinary action.

D. Standard operating procedure

Here is a summary of [company name] standard call center operating procedures:

1. Basic telephone etiquette

All call center agents are expected to display a certain level of telephone etiquette during daily operations to ensure a positive customer experience.

To ensure high service levels, all agents should:

  • Answer every incoming call within three rings.
  • Be polite and courteous during conversations. 
  • Use a low voice pitch with customers and avoid extremes in volume.
  • Try to resolve a customer complaint before passing it on to the customer service team or manager on duty. This applies to all call center agents, whether they are a customer service representative or not.

Rude or inappropriate comments from agents during any client interaction will result in disciplinary action being taken against the agent, including possible termination of employment. 

2. Training and development programs

[Company name] is committed to the advancement of its employees and, as a result, has implemented several training programs. 

Before an employee’s first shift, they will receive training to prepare them for entering the call center. 

Training programs include computer-based training to learn specific call center software programs, simulated phone calls, and customer service training. 

All agents are expected to complete the training successfully, which will help them with company procedures, call scripts, call handling, and customer management (including escalations and referrals).

3. Quality control procedure

[Company name] has set quality control metrics to measure the performance of agents and ensure adherence to the customer service policy. 

Supervisors, line managers, and human resources personnel will measure and interpret agent performance standards and listen to agents on live calls.  

Agents should be aware of this and consent to supervisors listening to their calls for quality control purposes.  

Agents will be measured by the following KPI (Key Performance Indicators):

  • Answering calls in a timely manner.
  • Call handle time.
  • Average hold time frame.
  • Customer feedback.
  • Call quality.
  • The number of calls in the queue.
  • Abandonment rate.

E. Disciplinary action

[Company name] has the right to monitor employees and take action against any employee that fails to adhere to the policy and procedures laid out by this document. 

[Company name] created this policy to set guidelines, outline call center standards for employee conduct, and implement an accountability loop. It also defines disciplinary actions that occur when a call center agent violates these policy terms. 

Disciplinary action may include (but isn’t limited to) verbal and written warnings, loss of privileges, suspension, demotion, and contract termination.

Any illegal activity will lead to the immediate termination of the employee’s contract.

F. Employee acknowledgement

I have read and understood the call center policy and procedures of [company name] and will abide by all the policy conditions and procedures defined above.


Agent Name



Disclaimer: The call center policy and procedures template is only meant to be a general guide and used only for reference purposes. This call center policy template may not necessarily include all federal, state, local, and other applicable laws. Therefore, it should not be considered a legal document. Neither Time Doctor nor the author shall be responsible for any legal liability that may result from using this sample call centre policy and procedures template.

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