Disengaged employees cost the global economy $7.8 trillion

by Time Doctor
disengaged employees

“Time is money” has never been more true than it is now, in today’s busy business world. While the economy is going through rough patches, business leaders are focusing more and more on one important factor: output. The employee experience, however, is a crucial component of the puzzle that is sometimes missed. Remarkably, only 13% of employees say they are completely satisfied with their jobs. Disengaged employees cost the global economy a staggering $7.8 trillion in lost productivity, so this is not a little problem. Improving the work experience for employees is not only advantageous but also essential to keeping the wheels of production running smoothly in these hard times.

The problem of employee disengagement

The high cost of disengagement

Did you realize that a disengeged employee isn’t a singular issue? Globally, it’s an expensive affair for corporations. Unengaged employees can cause serious financial and operational losses for an organization by spreading their lack of excitement and productivity throughout it.

Understanding the disengagement dilemma

What, therefore, constitutes a disengaged employee? Numerous things could be at play, such as a lack of acknowledgement, little room for advancement, or even the ordinary grind. Turning the tide starts with understanding these underlying causes.

Strategies to boost team productivity

Flexibility is the new normal

The pandemic has changed the regulations governing workplaces. Businesses need to embrace flexible work arrangements completely. This change entails realizing the need of asynchronous communication for our day-to-day work, particularly for remote or hybrid teams. Allowing employees to set aside time for concentrated work as opposed to always needing to be available for quick replies can greatly increase output.

Benefits: One size does not fit all

The days of offering employee perks that were universally applicable are long gone. A plan that is as diverse as today’s workforce is necessary. Offering options to convert certain benefits, like healthcare, into cash or including mental health services and physical activities in wellness programs, not only shows you care but also caters to their unique needs.

Goal alignment: The secret sauce

Here’s a little secret: aligning personal goals with your company’s objectives can work wonders for employee fulfillment and output. Clearly articulated goals, cascaded through the organization, empower employees. Using frameworks like OKRs or KPIs can help set attainable and measurable targets, making your team feel more accountable and in control.

Leadership: The make-or-break factor

People don’t leave jobs; they leave managers, goes a common saying. It’s critical to choose the right people for leadership positions. These leaders should not only be capable of driving the company’s mission forward but also be empathetic, understanding the holistic needs of their team members.

Making the most of Time Doctor

In the quest for productivity, tools like Time Doctor can be game-changers. This workforce analytics tool is designed to enhance team productivity and time management. Its detailed time tracking allows employees to monitor the time spent on specific tasks, shining a light on areas where efficiency can be improved. In addition, Time Doctor’s insights help managers better understand individual and team dynamics, which makes it a powerful tool for goal tracking and creating an efficient and accountable culture.


A comprehensive approach is necessary to sustain employee satisfaction and output, particularly during hard economic times. From adopting empathetic leadership and offering personalized benefits to defining clear company goals and adapting to flexible work conditions – every step counts. 

Integrating tools like Time Doctor further refines this strategy, enhancing productivity tracking and time management. When these strategies are combined, the result is a workforce that is truly engaged, in addition to being more productive and driven. By putting these rules into practice, your company may achieve its objectives and boost morale while building a strong basis for long-term success and resilience in the face of adversity.

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