Track time in Avaza project management with our Time Doctor integration.
Manage projects better with the Time Doctor integration for Avaza. Project management can be overwhelming, especially when your team works remotely or overseas. The Time Doctor Chrome extension will help your team work more efficiently.
On average, companies see a 22% productivity boost with Time Doctor. How is this possible?
With accurate time tracking, employee monitoring, instant accountability, and customizable features (including API configurations), Time Doctor takes project management to the next level. Managers have real-time access to project progress with productivity reports, timesheets, and optional screenshots. Clients can even have access to their project progress thanks to Time Doctor, which will help you maintain trust.
Discover better project management in Avaza with Time Doctor.
How to track time in Avaza.
Our Chrome extension inserts a timer into Avaza. First, sign up for Time Doctor and invite your team to join. Next, download the Chrome extension and configure your settings to allow task tracking and integrations.
With the Time Doctor Chrome extension installed, simply click the start and stop button for each task to track time effortlessly in Avaza. Time Doctor does all the hard work by summarizing time use and tasks in the Time Doctor dashboard, for easy viewing.
The projects and tasks report can be accessed by employers and managers to analyze how time is spent throughout the company and to allocate more or less budget where needed. Employees also have access to their user reports and can analyze time use to find time-wasting activities that can be removed or tasks that take longer than expected.
This time tracked by Time Doctor can be used to create automatic timesheets for payroll processing, which are easily downloadable as CSV files. Less administrative work and more accuracy in time tracking mean your team can focus on work that matters!
Use Time Doctor with your favorite programs.
The Time Doctor Chrome extension can be integrated with many of the programs you already use, including Avaza, Office 365, Google Apps, and more.
Your projects are multifaceted, which is why you need software like Time Doctor that keeps up with all that you and your team do. Track time in each program and easily access all your reports in one spot for easier, faster, and more organized project management.
For companies with 20 or more employees, free onboarding support is available to help you get started. Try Time Doctor with Avaza and watch your efficiency soar!
How to make Avaza project management better with Time Doctor.
Your entire team will benefit from using a synced time-tracking program that gives deep insights into time use. The Time Doctor dashboard helps break down how much time is spent on each task, project, client, and more. We even have web, app, and chat monitoring to ensure that your team stays on task.
These time use reports are vital to project planning and budgeting for current and future projects. The truth is that when you’re in control of your time, you’re in control of your money. So start tracking time today with our smart software.
Other benefits
Read more about the full range of optional features that Time Doctor provides.
Web & app usage
Track your teams’ digital journeys. Cut out distractions and time drains.
Client login access
Let your clients watch their projects take shape and track their progress.
Unusual activity report
Catch unusual mouse clicks and keyboard strokes with AI. Make sure your time tracking stays accurate.
Work scheduling
Set your employees’ work schedules and compare them to actual hours worked.
Payroll reporting
Streamline your billing, budgeting, and payroll with integrations. And improve accuracy.
Inactivity alerts
Instantly know when your workers lose focus. Nudge them to get back on track.
Our API allows your own software application to interact directly with Time Doctor.